Travel from Innsbruck to Trondheim
It’s time to start this adventure and to say ‘goodbye’ to my home in Tirol.

Getting to the airport with all my packages around 7:15 AM. The plane is leaving in the morning at 9:20 AM. The cloud-free wetter conditions provide a fantastic view over the mountains.

Transfer in Amsterdam because of no direct connection between Austria and Trondheim. Perfect time to get something refreshing and to wait for the next plane. Success, my bike is with me on the next fight.

Finally, arriving at Trondheim Airport around 4:30 with a bit of cloudy sky. This is something I have to learn: ‘it can always start to rain.’ So look out but take an umbrella or a jacket with you. Later the wetter got better, and my flatmate showed me around the city.

Let’s continue the exploration in the following days.