Winter and Skiing

The cold temperatures around Trondheim further led to clear skis. My flatmate encouraged me to try cross-country skiing and after the first two times, I started to like it. Also a few days later the department organized a skiing event for Ph.D.’s which resulted in finding more like-minded people at the department. Finally, we ended up on the highest peek in the region with a colleague who had his first day on ski ever. It was so much fun for most of us and definitely fun for all.
Renting skis works for a few times but having your own equipment makes skiing and exercising more fun. So I got my first pair of skis (classic skin cross-country) and yes, as an Austrian, I ended up buying a pair of Fischer skis. 🤣

Roughly a month later I found a nice offer for a pair of skating skis and since my boots were already combi boots for classic and skating it was a must to try skating as well. My conclusion for the two skiing styles after a few times going skiing converged quickly to skating. It is much more dynamic and versatile. It has its challenges in the beginning but after a few times practicing and finding the rhythm, it is nice and makes a lot of fun also for longer distances. The most complicated part is still and will be going up a slop, but this is with both skiing styles challenging.